Des Holmes: Technical Leadership & Product Development

Over the last 20+ years I’ve been providing technical leadership and developing products for a wide range of clients; from startups to global blue chips.

I use Agile methodology, Open Source technologies and Azure Public Cloud to develop DevOps and SaaS solutions.

Recent Technologies: React, NestJS, Next.js, Node.js, Docker, Azure, Azure DevOps, Python 3, Node.js, Docker.

During my career I’ve had the pleasure of working with the following brands: Goldman Sachs, Commerzbank, KPMG, BBC, HSBC, JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, Akzonobel, Sainsbury’s, Reckitt Benckiser, Heineken, Pernod Ricard, Diageo, Adidas, Nike, VWG, numerous Hedge Funds & Asset Managers, Cubit Technology, PropertyLoop and Notable.London.

View my: work history, skills, blog or testimonials.

Visit my other profiles: desholmes on GitHub & Des Holmes on LinkedIn

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