Convert Google Analytics into a browser support matrix; tailored to your users


Web development is a complex and expensive process. Use BrowserFocus to convert your Google Analytics data into a browser support matrix based on the browsers and devices your users are actually using.

Why BrowserFocus?

Whether you’re building web applications for yourself or clients the question of browser support always comes up.

The Financial Directors wife might want the website to work on her 3 year old “phablet” - but what percentage of your users use the same device to access your site? If it’s no one - ditch the support for that device.

Existing web applications and sites with historical analytics data have an advantage. Make sure you dig into the data before developing or designing anything!

“Ok so I’ll look through Google Analytics…”


  1. Digging through data can be tedious
  2. Your users, their browsers and devices are changing all the time
  3. Having you got something else to focus on…

Automate The Pain Away

Within minutes BrowserFocus can generate a browser support matrix based on your actual users. There’s no need to learn tools, generate your own dashboards or manually download and maintain spreadsheets.

Is My Data Safe?

Yep. BrowserFocus doesn’t store or retain any data on its servers. Your data is downloaded to your browser to generate the browser support matrix.

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